Category Archives: Almost Back

Almost Back

Well, the good news is that I can now see the screen on my computer.  The bad news is that part of it crashed and it is as slow as –, well, I’m not sure how slow now.  I used to say Christmas, but one week until Christmas already I have to admit it hasn’t been a slow, long time since last Christmas.  Not sure if that is because I’m o–llll–d now, or if the time is really speeding up and the planet is on the way to an epic crash.  A planet crash on top of my computer crash almost sounds typical lately.  It takes the silly thing a loonng time to  move now — the computer, not sure about the planet.  And at my age I might not have the 5 years for each word to appear on the screen, especially since I tend to talk a lot.  One of the hazards of living a long time alone.

This is gonna be short and sweet because or maybe until, I can find a way to update a driver that keeps telling me it is already updated.  I just don’t wanna sit here for a year watching my 90 wpm turning into a 90 mpw (minutes per word).

Hopefully this will work better next week.  Maybe I should finish that letter to Santa right now? LOL.  If I don’t make it back soon, have a Merry, Merry Christmas.  A
