All posts by kentuckyangel24

I have lived with MS since the age of eleven (11) and now am a pro as far as dealing with all the train wrecks associated with this disease. If it can be hit with a power chair, I'll do it, usually moving the object in front of me several feet away from where it was. I've dragged a bin of watermelons down the grocery aisle because it was hooked to my chair and I didn't know it until checking to see why people were laughing. It's always better to join in the laughter than to be upset about it. So, I just laugh it all off and keep on keeping on!

Random Thoughts

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. Not much else to do with the weather we are having lately. Like yesterday, we all had to sit out in the hall for a couple of hours during a tornado warning that went on forever. Okay, so it wasn’t forever, but it sure felt like it. And naturally it had to happen at lunch time.

I guess one of the things I think about too much is eating. Seems obvious, given the statement above, but I am a foodie of sorts. I like good food, a commodity that is not always available. Fortunately my daughter has been showing up at the right times to bring me some of my favorites, and even more fortunately, there is a microwave in the kitchenette to heat the food. There is also a refrigerator, freezer in there as well, so I manage to keep something available. Now I have come to the conclusion that I’m eating too much salt and retaining water — always a fun sight! So I have cut out the habit of adding salt to everything even before tasting to see if it is needed. Happy to say I’ve lost a few inches since beginning that new habit, and now having a few problems eating the chips I have left over from my last trip to Wally World. It’s hard to believe I’ve gone from not enough salt in everything to too much salt in a lot of things.

I’m getting cabin fever in a huge way. All the rain we’ve had keeps me inside and mostly in my room. Alone. Busy but still alone! I can feel depression trying to take hold, so now have 4 or 5 different projects that I’m working on. It keeps me almost centered, but at the same time none of them are getting very far along. And the more I tell myself to stick to one thing until it’s finished, the more i look for something to add to the load. I think I’ll have to live another 50 years to get it all finished and I just don’t want to live 50 more years. I mean, really, who wants to be 131 years old? Hairless, toothless, deaf, blind — all very real possibilities with my MS and diabetes. Well, maybe not the hairless part, but my hair is another thing I think about.

At least this time I’m just thinking about the hair. I’ve managed to leave the scissors alone when I look in the mirror and see my shaggy mop. Usually by this time I’ve whacked off a basket full of hair, and not at all evenly at that, but this time I keep telling myself if I want it to have a chance to grow out by winter I have to leave it alone now. My hair grows very slowly, a good thing if I don’t happen to want it to touch my shoulders by the time winter sets in, but a bad thing when I want it to get longer to keep my ears warm in winter. My last cut was before Thanksgiving of last year, and so far it’s grown about an inch longer that the day it was cut. So unfair. My Mom and both sisters have hair that grows like wildfire, always complaining that they have to have it cut every month.

My older brother is the one responsible for my hair!!! I know he is. When I was just over 2, while mom was out shopping, my sweet older brother and a boy who lived next door to us decided to play barbershop. And guess who was the first and only customer? ME! I had just grown enough hair to prove that I would one day have enough to tell I’m a girl and those two guys took my child’s scissors and chopped my hair off. And I do mean CHOPPED. For most people it would make the hair to grow in a hurry but for me? Hair tufted in little clumps for years after that incident.

So, thinking about that incident made me begin thinking about all of the other times my big brother got me in trouble. After Mom read “Hansel and Gretel” to us as our bedtime story, he decided we would act the story out. I’m rather sure I’ve mentioned the tale about the sugar used in lieu of bread crumbs so won’t get into it again. And we can’t forget the barn he burned down showing me how it wouldn’t burn! I don’t think either of us could sit down for a couple of weeks after that.

Ah, so many memories invading my brain now. But they will have to wait for a different time. Right now I hear the cart with my breakfast. Again with my stomach!!!

Okay, I’ve been offline for several days and just now hit “publish” to get to my before publishing prompts and they aren’t there now. Did WP update again in the past week? Where is the “tag” option?

Wednesday Morning, 4 am

Another one of those nights. I actually got an hour of sleep but that’s just not enough. That groggy feeling never goes away now. But things could be worse — I could have missed that hour of oblivion and had another of the sleepless nights. Hey, sometimes ya just have to look for the sunshine in the shadows in order to remain sane!

I had burgoo for supper last night. My brother brought me a few containers of that ambrosia and I called my aunt to see if she wanted to join me for that. Silly question. Most of the people in this area love burgoo. Daviess County is the place to be for the real thing. Several other places advertise they have it but they serve a knockoff version with things like squash and beans in the mix. The only thing worse that that would be putting peas in the pot.

It’s hard to believe that there is only one week left in April. Time is speeding by, and dare I say it? Christmas is only 8 months away! How many people have started planning for that? I have. Already working on Christmas gifts for the family. Of course that is for Christmas before last! No matter how I work it I seem to remain a year or two behind. Question: how many of you still send Christmas cards? With the price of stamps these days I just wonder if I’m the only one who has stopped doing that.

I also use bags rather than wrapping paper for gifts now. Bags I usually keep from the previous year plus the ones I buy the week following Christmas. Of course the Dollar Tree always have bags for all occasions every day. I even make my bags at times, when I’m feeling energized. Chee! I sure could use some energy right now. Or at least some caffeine. I’ve been caffeine free for a year now. After years of having a Coke or a Pepsi before my eyes were completely open I had to open a drain one day and the only thing I had was a Coke! It worked better than any other method I ever tried before and I suddenly realized that something that would open a clogged drain couldn’t be very good for my stomach.

Speaking of May, my Barbies are ready for prom night. Enjoy!

Stuff And Frustration

What more can I say to that? I’m doing a lot of stuff these days and stuff is the only way to put it.

Well, I could have tried Frustrations after a day like this one, but I’m trying to overcome my frequent frustration when things don’t go the way I planned. Best solution is to stop planning, but then I wouldn’t know what to do next. Oh wait! I really don’t know what to do next most of the time. So, I just added the frustration part to the title.

Todays frustrating moments began during the night actually. The quilt block I was appliqueing got stuck under the presser foot of the sewing machine. I’ve had things stuck before, but this one was BIG TIME stuck. I think it took the better part of an hour to free things up and then I just shut the machine off and finished the book I was reading.

Later in the morning (at least 4 a.m.) I tried the machine out again and something seemed really wrong. Needle threader didn’t work, no where close to working, and when I tried sewing the clanking was loud enough to wake the dead. After an hour spent trying to figure out what was wrong I decided to change the needle! Brilliant idea! It didn’t look bent but the new needle didn’t make the noise and worked out. So I began appliqueing again. Did the leaf of a flower before really checking how it looked. Oops, I didn’t check to make sure there was thread in the bobbin. Replaced the bobbin and started sewing again…but didn’t notice the top thread had broken. By that time it was time for breakfast so I turned everything off and tried reading again.

Tried is the key word here. My Kindle, which holds all of my books began having several kinds of fits. Jumped around like, well, like a Mexican jumping bean! No way to read through that, so turned it off for a while. Fortunately I have the Kindle app on the laptop and my phone, so first I read from the laptop but that isn’t very good so switched to the phone. Happy to say it works, Now to wait out the fit the Kindle is having so I can reset it all again. Poor little device. I think I’ve overloaded it and used it too much and it is just very tired.

So, walking past the pin holder — straight pins and magnetic holder, I managed to hit the side of it and it hit the floor. It’s amazing how those little things can go when they bounce! Thankfully, I have a telescoping magnet that got them up — at least the ones I saw, but my eyes are old now and they don’t always see what I want them to see so I’ll probably be finding pins for a few days now.

And so far we are still talking about the morning hours. Big sigh! it was a bad morning. So to try to recover from the morning I sat out in the sun for a long time after lunch and let my bones thaw out a bit.

Now to see if I can find a few photos of some of the things I’ve done while I try to do another quilt block on the machine. Time will tell.

Now, before you think the day was a total bust, it really wasn’t. My sewing machine works now, I’ve had two of the best meals of the week that are served only on Friday, I spent some time soaking up sunshine this afternoon and finally thawing the chill that was taking over, and just now, while looking for something else I think I might have found the password that could possibly hook my laptop to the printer. More later on that!

Quotes and Things

As I might have mentioned a time or 50. I love quotes! I find them and write them down in notebooks and occasionally can actually read what I’ve written. Once upon a time, a million or so years ago, I had penmanship classes, beginning in the first grade and continuing until high school. All these years later I would qualify as an M.D. if my chicken scratches would be the only thing I had to show for the degree.

But, I digress. This morning I found some Limericks on the Inspired Quotes email that struck a blow on my funny bone. And if you’ve ever hit your funny bone you know there is nothing funny about it! So maybe these should be classified as “groaners”, because after reading them I was holding my stomach and groaning!

There was an old man of Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
But his daughter, named Nan
Ran off with a man,
And as for the bucket, Nantucket!

See what I mean? Of course I’ll have to make sure my youngest brother and youngest son see that one. They both have a strange sense of humor, unlike mine, which is, well, really strange.

Wanna see another one? Here goes anyway.

A canner, exceedingly canny
One morning remarked to his granny
"A canner can can
Anything that he can
But a canner can't can a can, can he?"

Carolyn Wells

I know there are some math geniuses out there, so here’s one for you. I haven’t tried to figure it out yet, since it’s early and I don’t want to get a headache until later in the day, but this one is for you.

A dozen, a gross and a score
Plus three times the square root of four
Divided by seven
Plus fice times eleven
Is nine squared and not a bit more

Leigh Mercer

Okay, breakfast is on the way and I need sustenance after the last one. Back in a few, and hope to find out if the answer provided is correct. A few things I think I remember are a dozen of course is 12, a gross I think is 144?, and a score is 20. 5 times 11 is easy, 55, and 9 squared would be 81 I think. Oh geez, I’m 9 times squared myself! Hmmm, maybe I can check it out at that! Okay, my headache is beginning. I tried but the answer I got was 87. At least I’m NOT 87 yet.

The Logical Song

I’ve been thinking about this song for some time now. Today I was feeling almost logical about a lot of things, remembering high school algebra and how I got the answers by using logic rather than the algebraic formula (and go figure that one!), and had spoken to my son when the conversation turned to my use of logic rather than formula. He couldn’t understand how I got the correct answers that way and I never knew for sure, just that it seemed more logical than using the formula. Incidentally, I got straight “D”‘s in algebra for that, saved from the “F” by the correct answer.

So after my logical day I decided to look up this song by Supertramp and post it for all to enjoy. Try figuring out how logic can get to the correct algebra answer while you listen, or like me, just sit back and enjoy the song.


As usual it was a job just getting the video on here, but it seems to have worked out after a couple of tries. I had to click on it a couple of times to make it play, but that could just be me. I found lyrics but lost them when working on getting the video, so that will be my next challenge — getting the lyrics posted under the song. Wish me luck on that one.

hmmm, not sure what will happen after this is played the first time. Two other things pop up on the screen after the song stops but since I didn’t want to jinx it I didn’t click to see what happens. Sure would hate to lose it immediately. But, it might be possible to try — nope! Not me. And by now that might have disappeared, since a friend of my daughter’s just came in to visit for a while.

Okay, I just found out it realy doesn’t do anything to click on the screen. But there is a whirligig at the bottom that will replay the song. By golly, I think I got it right for a change.

Spring Is Here

“Spring is far more than just a changing of seasons: it’s a rebirth of the spirit.” –Toni Stephenson

KODAK Digital Still Camera

I took the above photo last spring, when life was returning to the Earth. This is part of the grounds here, where picnics happen and trees and flowers bloom.

I have two favorite seasons, and Spring is the first on the list. Although admittedly, in this area we could still have some cold weather, including the snow we had one year long ago. It was Easter Sunday, in April, and we woke up to snow. Go figure! With the climate changes though I think the 78 degrees we have as I am writing this is a warning of the future.

My favorite all time color is Spring Green, to me a sign of hope and better things to come. I wish I could say I have clothes in that color, but sadly, I only have the dark green more suited to winter. Not sure why, just that I tend to spill things on my clothes and the dark colors don’t show it the way the pastels and lighter colors do.

I used to wear a lot of white tops and skirts, but then it seemed that even when there were no tomatoes in sight I would end up with a tomato stain on the clothes. Always on the tops, and a couple of times on my lap. No food that was that color in sight, but always a stain. And yes, I’ll admit to more than one time falling asleep while eating ice cream and waking up with it in my lap. A chilling sensation to say the least. I’ve also had other food in my lap over the years, but now since I don’t sleep all that much the main problem is knocking over the bowl of popcorn and having to find all those little pieces that have bounced into the corners and under the furniture. And hopefully finding them immediately rather than a few months later.

I probably should touch on the fact that this is April 1, or April Fool’s Day. I’ve never been very good at fooling anyone on this day, although have been the butt of my siglings jokes on more than one occasion. And enough said about that!!!

Now, how about a few more spring photos? I think I have a few somewhere.

The Scoundrel

It was a bitterly cold morning in January when I found him. I had been at a patients home and since she wasn’t doing well I needed something warm and furry to hug, so the animal shelter being on my way back to town I stopped in. Breezed on back to the kennel, intent on finding a dog to pet for a few minutes when a tiny ball of fur alone in one of the cages caught my eye.

Just out of curiosity I opened the door of the cage and a tiny ball of brown fur launched himself at my arms. Heart melting, wondering what this tiny bit of life was doing there, I stayed for a long period of time working out some of the logistics. To take him now or come back later? That was solved when one of the workers told me he could catch a disease if left there for long. i gave them my check for $50 dollars, collected the American Kennel Club papers on him and walked out the door. Now what do i do with him while seeing y other patients since I had a full schedule that day, but after a quick change in one schedule we went to see Mackie. She had sitters around the clock so I knew they were all dog lovers. And Mackie had to have her Pekinese put to sleep recently, so we, or rather, the current sitter grabbed the puppy from my arms and told me I would bring him there every day when I worked. Max was named after Mackie as soon as I thought about how fate had entered there as well and my new baby would be safe.

The amazing part though was when we put that 3 month old ball of fur on the bed with Mac and he just curled up contentedly beside her. No playing, just comfort from him taking root!

By the end of my work day I had almost talked myself into believing I might have to give him up, since he had been with them all day and might have forgotten about me. I shouldn’t have worried though. As soon as I walked back in the little scroundrel once again launched himself into my arms.

Our first night together was pretty intense. Who knew a tiny 2 pound puppy could out snore a lumberjack! I was almost asleep when the snoring began and astonished to find the culprit was so tiny.

Time passed and Max grew a little bit. Bathtime was always a challenge. I wanted a clean smelling puppy in the bed with me and he wanted to just spend his time dry and above baths, But during the night the rain began, and the Little Scroundral wanted to go outside. I thought he had to do business, only to find out he just wanted to play in every puddle he could find. Put him in a tub of warm water and he was sure I was trying to drown him but those puddles were just what he wanted for the night. I had to take him in and dry him off a few times when he declined doing his business and just headed for the nearest puddle.

Since it was only a few more hours before I had to leave for work I decided to ignore his next attempt to go outside. He got me back for that one! I had to take all the bedding off and wash it before any stain set in, using up the only sleep time left. After work that day I got a cage to put him in at night. If he messed up his own cage he had to live in it but he already seemed to know that. After a few nights I was only opening the door of the cage that was kept on the bed and he would go in without my putting him there, or cuddle up beside me for awhile before going in. I guess all that space was just too much for a handful of fur.

He grew, but not by much, and became the most loving little part of me I had ever known before. Cuddling a German Shepherd is nice, but that tiny mite was special.

Max has been gone for several years now, but I still miss him all the time. He knew when I needed to play and also when I just needed to be quiet and he acted accordingly.

So, I’ve found a few photos of my little guy. Some are duplicates but I don’t know how to get them off. Barely know how to put them on here.

Tital Number ?

That’s how I sometimes respond to the “Add Title” beginning. Really, do they think I don’t know to give things a title? Okay, so maybe I forget occasionally, but I usually find out before I publish.

There are admittedly times when I am writing a poem and the words are flying off the end of my pen while I’m struggling to think of a title. And I might have a few that still don’t have titles yet, but since I’m the only one who sees them, who cares? Eventually I’ll redo it and add a title, or rip it up and put in File 13 where it doesn’t need a title, but again, who cares? I seldom show anyone most of the poetry now.

So, yesterday I visited my doctor again. First time in a year because I was not happy with him. This time though, I turned the tables. I not only took a nurse with me but had a long list of problems to show him. Since most of them deal with MS issues and he deals with Geriatrics, he skipped a few, and added a fist full of new meds to my short list, elimanating only 2 of the previous ones. Not sure how that will work out, but at least if I fall here there will be someone coming along eventually to help me back up. Sigh! I can remember being able to cross my feet and lower myself down without needing help. Now it would take a Platoon of Marines to get me back up — or two of the nurses and/or aides here. Not to say the Marines wouldn’t be nice to have around once in a while, but I would hate to have to call out them out just to help me up. If one or two of them wanted to stay and visit for a while —— okay self, cut out the dreaming!

So hard to believe Sunday is already Easter! I can remember back when that meant a new hat, usually with a wide brim, new patent leather shoes — Mary Jane style, and never forget the matching purse and the white gloves. You just didn’t show up in church without those. This Sunday I’ll wear my recycled pink outfit, all made a couple of years ago and finally able to stuff myself into again. Having lost a couple of inches I won’t even have to lie down to get the pants zipped, and fortunately the jacket was a bit large anyway, so it will hide any bulges that can still appear.

Why do we pay so much attention to what people are wearing to church on Easter? And why has that pink outfit hung in my closet all winter when I could have been wearing it all along? At least there’s no more rules about wearing white shoes after September or before May. Or was it after August? No month with an “r” in it now that I think about it. Hopefully that is one outdated rule. I’ve been wearing winter white boots year round lately because they feel good.

I have been thinking about all the abuse my feet got when I was young. Strappy high heels were the fashion and I do mean HIGH! Like 5 inch heels. Now I’m paying the piper for all those times. And so thankful my daughter never tried to follow in my high heels. Always sensible shoes for her! I should have been so smart.

I think I’ve mentioned a time or ten that I collect “sayin’s” as I call them, quotations that strike my fancy. I’m gonna add a few of my favorites tonight, just because I’ve run out of words and ideas. And what a sad situation that is!

“I’m an odd combination of “really sweet” and “DONT MESS WITH ME!” Author unknown

Some Snoopy humor here: “I’m multitasking. I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.” Woodstock, found on Pinterest

“Be yourself! No one can say you are doing it wrong”! Author unknown and Very true!

“I can’t believe how old people my age are”.

“Does running late count as exercise?:

“All my passwords are amnesia protected!”

“Brains are awesome. I wish everybody had one!” (especially one running for office or jailbird)

And finally a Life Tip: “When nothing goes right, GO TO BED!” Sounds like a good idea. I think it’s a Charlie Brown quote, but don’t quote me on that.


Once again I began a post, had to leave, hit the “save draft” and now am back and the draft is gone. Such a wonderful post it would have been, all about the fun of having MS along with some even more fun symptoms. But now I forget if I remember it or not.

To begin with, AGAIN, March is MS Awareness month, a detail I’ve, well, face it, I knew in the back of my mind about it but when it came time to sit down and write about it I got side tracked every time. That seems to happen more often lately. Not that I’m forgetful, of course (and if you believe that there’s a blue bridge across the Ohio River I’ll sell you), it’s just that there is too much going on in the world to remember a little thing like the fact that my MS is acting up at the moment.

Sure, as if I could forget that! I was doing some research, or if I call it like it is, snooping for something new on the ‘net this morning, and on Web MD I found some new to me symptoms of this fun disease. Oh, in case you are wondering, I’m not really having much fun with it but trying to put it in a new light that makes it easier to accept sometimes.

Anyhoo, I’ve been one complete itch lately. No rash, nothing to indicate a reason for the itching, just nerve wracking itching all over. Thought it was an allergic reaction to something, so switched laundry detergent with no better results, switched body wash, equally no change, clawed a few furrows in my skin with a lot of results but no answers except practice in creative bandaging.

This morning, on Web MD, I finally found my answer. Itching without a rash or any other kind of reason is a sign of MS activity. I think I forgot to see if there’s an antidote though. Phooooyyy! Oh well, at least now I know why I’m clawing the skin off. Now all I need is a body bandage, which, of course, I would also claw off as soon as it was in place.

I’ve known MS has multiple symptoms for years, probably because I’ve had it for years. The headaches can be debilitating but I’m used to those. Overheating can really do a number on the MS prisoners symptoms, which can lead up to death if overheated for too long. Fortunately I’m cold natured so as long as I stay inside I bundle up in long sleeves and at times even my coat and hood to warm up. I discovered several other icky symptoms that I won’t relate here, even though they really run me ragged at times. When they aren’t sending me down to kiss the floor, that is. While I wouldn’t mind a short trip, that’s not the kind I prefer. At least my bones seem to be stronger now, thanks to the Vitamin D and the Folic Acid.

I’m beginning to wonder if my laptop has MS as well, since it sometimes seems to have a mind of its own. To say it’s acting up at the moment is putting it mildly. But then again, this is the third time I’ve opened it up in the past 2 hours. First time was to look for a photo, 2nd was to eat lunch (which was delicious) and now this time when it opened immediately and right to the correct page. We are getting used to each other after only 3 years of continued use.

This has been a pretty good week. On Tuesday I got a call from my sister who lives in Colorado asking me if I wanted a visitor. Of course I did, and wondered when she would be travelling to KY. She was coming in my door as I turned the phone off! I love surprises like that. She had spent a week with my older brother, helping to take care of him when he would let her. She brought me a couple of photos of him, looking better than anyone has a right to look with his little dog on his shoulder. HUH? He once made fun of his wife’s Maltese, although truth be told, he could often be seen cuddling that little mop! I’m not sure what breed Lacy is, but she is smaller than the Maltese, Sophie. Fits in the palm of his hand, but he does have large hands. He’s looking good in the photo. If I didn’t know he is dying of cancer I sure would never think it when I look at that photo. Meg was on her way back to Colorado but being tired she decided to stop by and see me first. We spent a very pleasant afternoon, going down the hall to visit our aunt as well.

Friday evening, late, my daughter popped in, bringing me some of my favorite Monterrey Spaghetti, a double batch this time. Her hubby was running in a marathon in Owensboro on Saturday and they were spending a couple of nights in town. He stayed at the hotel gearing up for the 13.3 mile race that began at 7:30 Saturday morning. Just looking at that number makes me tired but he runs them a lot. He finished at 10:25 and while the original plan was for them both to come for a longer visit he had to beg off to recover from the run. According to him, this race was better than than the ones he runs at home because we are mainly flat land while Frankfort is hills and valleys. I love the guy a lot but sometimes wonder about loose screws when he runs these races! All of my screws would fall out if I tried, but then I don’t have that many left to worry about. They are on their way back home now, where he will continue recovering from the run. I found a cartoon somewhere that describes my outlook on running: “If you ever see me running past your house, please come out and kill the huge animal that is chasing me”.

So, my daughter walked in just as I was putting the final stitch in her birthday quilt. Her birthday was March 7, but since she was coming in I didn’t get in a rush finishing the quilt. I’m going to attempt to post a photo of it — my 3rd time attempting that today, because I couldn’t remember what I used to take it. Found finally on the Kindle. So, here goes, I hope!

It worked! Of course not immediately, but after several failed attempts to bend it to my will. The Tulip Quilt is twin sized rather than the lap quilt I had intended it to be. Now I want to make another just like it for myself. Time will tell.