Category Archives: A Study In Frustration Again

when march arrives

can spring be far behind? The sun has come out today, a sight we had lost track of lately with first the frigid weather, then rain, but now it’s big, it’s yellow, it’s in the sky and it’s radient. It must mean spring, but lately, who really knows? While most of the country east of the Rockies had snow we had ice, sleet, black ice and finally a couple of inches over it all, just to make walking out there challenging, I don’t think anyone in the building fell and broke anything this year, but really I can’t say for certain because I’m stuck in my apartment observing the quarantine while so many are out running around sans masks, acting like nothing on earth is bothering them. Now that I think about it, they really aren’t bothered by it all while the ones trying to stay healthy are all locked away and out of sight.

Not a lot has been happening. Or maybe it has and no one noticed. Kinda like taking your guitar to a party and not being asked to play back in the old days when we went to parties, I don’t think I would remember how to act at a party these days. Now that I think about it, I’m betting I would not be able to host one again. My social skills have redeveloped into something more akin to staying home and watching TV while my hair and waistline expand a bit more every day. Hopefully the waistline is tapering off now. I know this because I had to change my jeans back one size this morning after pulling up the larger ones for the dozenth time.

It’s really late in the day now and I’ll bet no one noticed I was gone. So glad I didn’t have my guitar with me all day waiting, LOL. I decided to take advantage of the sunshine and get some groceries before I ran completely out. I’m happy to say I can now make a chicken sandwich, but not much else because I focused mainly on getting the ingredients for caramel candy. And now I’ve just finished making that, poured it in a pan to cool and time will tell if I have to crack it with a hammer or eat it with a spoon. I’m sure it’s too much to hope that it will be just right. At least the taste is there, and for me that’s the best part. I have plenty of spoons if it comes to that. It’s just hard to send it to people thru the mail when it runs like the first batch of the year.

My good friend, Beck called while I was stirring the candy and we talked the entire time. She lived here at one time, came down with COVID, and now has moved out of this place, something I plan on doing as soon as I can find a place with wheelchair accessibility. I’ve seen some of the virtual tours of a few places that are so nice, but no ramps or elevators. I actually have never tried to drive up a flight of stairs but the little bit of common sense left tells me not to try that stunt. Seems like with all of the stair climbers they make these days there should be at least one affordable way to get a power chair up steps without an elevator. Maybe in someone’s lifetime, just not in mine.

It’s well after dark now, but according to the clock it’s not very late. Not sure if Daylight Savings Time is to blame or not, but it darkness continues well after I get out of bed in the morning, so it must be a cloud settling over me, like that kid in the Peanuts cartoon. I’m just not going to hold my breath waiting for spring to pop out. Blue faces just don’t look too good with my hair color.

Had a few more words written up there but they suddenly disappeared so my resident poltergeist must be at work. I think I’ll go rescue the candy before he gets a chance to make it disappear. I can do that myself. Make it disappear, that is. Of course I would never make it through the door again if I do that. Okay, I’m gonna stop rambling now before I get so lost in a thought someone will have to draw me a map to get back.

Well, I managed to find some of my photos but not exactly the way I had planned. So sorry about that, but I couldn’t find a way to erase them or to crop them. I guess I still have a lot of work to do to learn how to manage this crazy format. I sure don’t like it any better now than I did when they first came up with forcing it on me.

A Study In Frustration Again

I’m trying to finish some of my drafts, even though when they were lost the first few times I can’t remember!  I do remember the acute frustration of wondering where they went and which planet they were living on after fleeing this one.  Maybe they foresaw what we are going thru now with this pandemic taking center stage.  And in April, when I first tried this it was all only beginning.  There was talk of opening the churches again by Easter, and since I can’t remember the date for yesterday — or today for that matter, I don’t remember if I finished something or if this is one I simply put on the back burner after four attempts failed.

So, today I followed a new friend’s example and cleaned out my spam folder.  Since I’ve found other friends had wandered in there by some twist of fate or help from my resident poltergeist — I just now had to look for this draft again!  Might have made a discovery though.  This time I added that it might have been aided by a visitor from Mars just before I lost the link.  Now if this one disappears again I’ll know that we’ve been invaded by Martians and make myself an aluminum hat just to feel safe.  Oh Lordy, what next?  First I have to wear a mask because of the pandemic and now I might have to wander around wearing aluminum hats?  I think I’ll just look for the flying saucer and climb on board.  Too bad about my fear of heights.  I have an even larger fear of being lost in space, flying in general (you know, the old “if I was supposed to fly ….wings?” thing.  Maybe that’s why I began blogging as Kentucky Angel.

Okay, back to the subject.  Anybody remember at this point what that subject was?  For that matter, anyone care?  In light of all that’s happening in today’s world it’s not of much importance except as my small attempt at humor.  Oh yes, I remember humor.  Just not sure how or where to find it lately.  Things that once seemed funny are now frustrating.  Like knocking over the container of straight pins after carefully placing them all in one container and placing it where it looked safe from even my worst ________  (and now more frustration.  I forgot what I was saying so just fill in the ending yourself this time.  But please let me know what word or words you added.  I might be able to keep them in a notebook for future reference).

Now that last statement is a real joke!  I have four notebooks for memos, passwords, notes about different things, and when I need them, any one of them they are nowhere to be found.  And KLUTZ is the word I forgot above.  Or some derivative of that word.  I’m beginning to wonder if I can still speak actual words.  The only time I   see anyone lately it’s one of the Physical Therapists and we are more concerned about how I can balance and walk than how or if I can speak.  Gracious, now I might be mute and not even know it.  What a thought!  Maybe I’m already on Mars and just haven’t figured it out yet.  Oh, just remembered that I sang a few songs lately.  I know the dog next door heard me because I could hear her howling in disharmony with my song.  “Mama Mia, here we go again”.  The irony is that when I was singing and playing my guitar years ago I could never remember all the words but yesterday I reeled them off along with several other songs without any problem at all.

I’m not sure I want to preview this because I think it’s really jumping around the page for sure.  Not sure I want that part of my insanity to show, but then again we all have to take the bad along with the good so here you have it.  Almost.

Oh yeah, I began something about knocking my container of pins over.  They were all over the floor (except for the ones I grabbed with bare hands.  Not sure it was quite the same as being stuck like a porcupine but it took some time to get them all out.  Not quite as long as to remove the ones I stepped on later since I have no feeling in my feet and just can’t seem to keep shoes on when socks are so much more comfortable and at times when I step on a pin or nail, another dropped item, it remains imbedded for a few days.  Has to get to a certain stage before I stand up and then sit down in a hurry to see what’s making the feet hurt like that.  I might have to invent a way to stick magnets on my feet (or sew them in my sox!) just to stop getting my feet stuck so often.

I’ve probably posted these photos before but things are getting boring around here and with pins and needles stuck in my feet I’m slowing down on taking photos lately.  The nature ones were taken from a window and the dolls from wherever they landed after change of clothes periods,  I now have over two dozen dolls and each of them have a couple of outfits I have made.  More cut out so some will get more  changes, but fabric is among the items I’m having problems replacing.  But this too shall pass.  I’m just not sure I want to know what will replace it all.