Tag Archives: high school

The Logical Song

I’ve been thinking about this song for some time now. Today I was feeling almost logical about a lot of things, remembering high school algebra and how I got the answers by using logic rather than the algebraic formula (and go figure that one!), and had spoken to my son when the conversation turned to my use of logic rather than formula. He couldn’t understand how I got the correct answers that way and I never knew for sure, just that it seemed more logical than using the formula. Incidentally, I got straight “D”‘s in algebra for that, saved from the “F” by the correct answer.

So after my logical day I decided to look up this song by Supertramp and post it for all to enjoy. Try figuring out how logic can get to the correct algebra answer while you listen, or like me, just sit back and enjoy the song.


As usual it was a job just getting the video on here, but it seems to have worked out after a couple of tries. I had to click on it a couple of times to make it play, but that could just be me. I found lyrics but lost them when working on getting the video, so that will be my next challenge — getting the lyrics posted under the song. Wish me luck on that one.

hmmm, not sure what will happen after this is played the first time. Two other things pop up on the screen after the song stops but since I didn’t want to jinx it I didn’t click to see what happens. Sure would hate to lose it immediately. But, it might be possible to try — nope! Not me. And by now that might have disappeared, since a friend of my daughter’s just came in to visit for a while.

Okay, I just found out it realy doesn’t do anything to click on the screen. But there is a whirligig at the bottom that will replay the song. By golly, I think I got it right for a change.

Back Again!

It’s been a few months since my last post. My laptop broke down and I am just now getting it back. I tried a few times to write using my Kindle, but it was just too difficult to continue. Now I’m back with the Dell, once again operational, once again giving me keyboard fits. My fingers just don’t want to go in the right places after using a stylus to pick letters out one by one. So far, so good.

A lot of things have happened in the past few months/weeks/days. I have a new great-grandson. I know I’ve tried to write about this, but not sure if it ever got posted.

Asher Blake was born a bit over two months ago with some severe problems. He was immediately put on 100% oxygen and sent to Norton’s Hospital in Louisville. He remained there for over a month with Grandpa Mike sending us updates each day. God is good! Asher has recovered from the condition that caused the death of Mike’s baby sister in 1970. The doctors at Norton’s knew what to do and Asher has been home a month, thriving and growing like a weed.

My youngest brother had triple bypass surgery the day after Thanksgiving. He came home the following Wednesday and is doing so well. I truly believe in miracles!

As for myself, I’ve watched a few boats on the river and wanted to sneak aboard and go with them when they left after a day and night docked next to my back yard. I’ve decorated a styrofoam pumpkin for Halloween, added a turkey to it for Thanksgiving, and now decorated a small tree for Christmas. Big deal, huh?

I told you earlier I am now in an assisted living facility. I’m ready now to break out of here and get my life back, at least what passed as my life. This place — well, not much I can say about it. I went to boarding school when I was 15 and had more freedom there with the good sisters than I now have here at 80 years of age. I might have to revert to acting like a two year old to fit in and get through this ordeal. I can’t speak about all assisted living places, but this one is horrible. So, I’m back to looking for a new place to live where I can be myself again. I just hope I can remember who I once was!