Tag Archives: sleep

What Is It About Saturday?

For some unknown, or maybe just stupid reason, Saturday has long been a very boring day for me. I know it’s the traditional deep cleaning day, but today I’m just feeling tired and lazy. Not to mention that I no longer have anything to deep clean with.

I suppose instead of sitting here looking at the unruly stack of fabric next to my sewing table I could get out of the chair and organize it, or, drum roll—-start sewing it into something useable. Having made 3 tote bags in the last day though I’m not too keen on making another and I have several quilts next to my nest that I should be finishing so I can move them out of here, but so tired.

I really want to sleep. I wish I could sleep. It shouldn’t be long before I crash again, but someone always comes in when that happens and tries to wake me. Doesn’t help at all to tell them berorehand that it happens at times and to just leave me to sleep until I wake up on my own. They seem to feel an obligation to wake me up.

There are times when it is fun having MS and the problems it brings. Most of the time now though it is painful and frustrating. The same holds true about getting older and older. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about how we are supposed to act. Just can’t see myself doing that though. Not even sure how to sit and stare at the TV all day. Maintenance came in a couple of days ago and “fixed” my TV so it works again. Whoda thunk just unplugging it for 30 seconds would reset it and make it work again? Just hope I can remember to do that the next time it happens.

Now a few totally unrelated photos, just because I managed to find them! And a poem I wrote a few months ago and probably already posted, but not sure. Anyway, maybe that will make up for the boring beginning

KODAK Digital Still Camera

KODAK Digital Still Camera

Out in the country and back near the fence
Stood an old house built in the days of yore.
Small in stature and built out of wood
With a half moon carved out of each door.

We never were a family of means
But Dad worked magic with his two hands and more.
He built us two swings and that old wooden house
And carved a half moon out of each door.

There were no lights inside that small house,
No heat in winter, no rug on the floor,
But there were two seats that he sanded smooth
And the half moon he carved out of each door.

Between the two seats a partition stood
From the top of the roof to uncarpeted floor.
One side marked "Ladies", the other side "Gents"
Beneath the the half moon carved out of each door.

There's many a thing I remember well
And miss very much from those days of yore.
Bu one thing I don't miss from those golden days
Is that house with the half moon carved out of each door.

More Wisdom From The Radio

It’s almost 10:30 p.m. here and I’m still wide awake. This is an every night problem for me so it was with vast relief when I turned to the local radio programming and saw an article about how to fall asleep and stay asleep. It also reveals that Kentucky is number 3 in the nation when it comes to sleep disorders. So, I guess that means I’m not sitting here alone waiting for something that will make me sleep.

I read the article with interest and made some startling discoveries. First of all, Johns Hopkins recommends that you turn the lights off. O—-KAY! That made sense until i saw the part that says no turning the bathroom light on if you have to answer the call of nature. Ummm, my doctor told me to NEVER be in total darkness so do I put on sunglasses to try this?

Moving on, the National Sleep Foundation advises turning the thermostat down to 60 to 67 F. I think I’ve read before that a cool room brings on sleep but 60 F? Drag those flannels back out for that.

Exercise. Another Johns Hopkins suggestion. But no exercise for two hours before bedtime. Think about how much sleep you might need for this one. I mean, without sounding crass, NO PHYSICAL EXERCISE. So kiss your sweetheart and roll over and go to sleep. Hey, I’m just telling you what the experts on sleep at Johns Hopkins say.

Now there are several other ideas that involve drinking things — warm milk, tart cherry juice, passion flower tea, hops tea, chamomile tea. Just remember after you drink all of those teas that you can’t turn the bathroom lights on. My suggestion would be to sleep in the bathtub. No comment beyond that one.

So, to sum it up, no lights, cold room, no physical exercise at all, and several kinds of drinks before bed each night and you should sleep like a baby. Just a reminder that babies have to be changed a few times during the night. At least, mine did. SWEET DREAMS!

Random Thoughts

Can you believe February is half over already?  I’m still not mentally prepared for the year 2020 and we are one and one half months into it now!  I know I’m getting older and I was already older than dirt with the possible exception being the plant that committed suicide in my window last week.  It was planted in fresh new dirt and had to be tossed this morning.  Ingrate! I have to admit the air in here is dry but the humidifier has been running full force long enough for my alligator skin to look fresh.  Sigh!  Gone from the plant lady with the green thumb to plant suicide lady in just a few days!  And theoretically, the year has just begun!

Now I need a lot of luck here.  I began this post 13 hours ago, lost it by hitting a button of some kind, found it and tried again 10 hours ago, lost again, and now let’s see if the third time is really the charmed one.  I found it again and thank God for drafts!  Oh no, it just went away again but came back.  The draft I’m thankful for is the one WP saves to the site, not necessarily the one that is coming thru my walls and windows at the moment.  I have too many of that kind and they just make me very, very cold most of the time.  I have a problem with being cold anyway, so the drafts coming thru the walls aren’t exactly the welcome type.  I must have thin blood or something like that, but then I’ve had this almost all my life.  Some of my earliest memories are standing on the heat register as often as I could find one that my sibs weren’t hoarding.  Needless to say here, the kind of heat we had back in the day didn’t do much to warm the house — or maybe it just wasn’t turned up enough for us.  Mom was always extremely hot natured so it had to be kept comfortable for her.

Okay, a few more thoughts.  Hmmm, maybe not.  I had several this morning when I was awake and moving around before the rest of the world knew whether it was still intact or not.  Guess it still is in most places.  Not sure how long that will last though.  I really think the world leaders should take my advice about all this fighting and bombing that’s going on.  Let the leaders do the fighting and leave our young people home to grow up and have the chance to be as crazy as most of our honorable (?) leaders are!  They can choose their weapons from every weapon of personal injury known since time began EXCEPT FOR the nuclear, atomic, and other weapons of mass destruction.  Personal destruction only!  Then give them a place for the carnage where the rest of us won’t ever have to see, hear of smell any of it and let ’em fight it out.  Maybe send all of the leaders to the field of shame so we can all start over where the leadership of the participating countries is concerned.  Simple, huh?  They get the fighting they all seem to want and the rest of us get to elect newer, saner leaders.  Nice if we could choose the voters, but that isn’t the democratic way of doing it.  Oh, I guess I’m dreaming again.

Speaking of dreaming, my older son visited yesterday.  I guess I crashed before he got here because I woke during the afternoon following a nice, restful nap, glanced at the clock and wondered what time they would arrive, since they are in the Eastern time zone, therefore an hour ahead.  Didn’t have to wonder very long though before the knock on the door and my daughter-in-love cautiously peeping around the door as she opened it.  It seems they had arrived earlier and couldn’t wake me, went out for a coke and came back to see if I would wake up for them that time.  It was a great visit after I heard the whole bit about my snoring!

The first time I “crashed” like this was while eating a sandwich for lunch.  A friend was here at the time and she told me I had it almost to my mouth when suddenly I just crashed!  sound asleep sitting there with that silly sandwich slowly coming to rest on my shirt.  I have insomnia, you see, and after long stretches of no sleep at all it catches up at the most inconvenient times.  Not so bad if I’m alone but not so good if someone is visiting at the time.  It is very inconvenient at the time and I’m sure some of them have wondered about it.  Haven’t found any way to avoid it yet.  tried getting up and walking around once but woke up on the floor later with a headache and bruised noggin, so that didn’t prevent anything at all.  But the good part is that I always wake up refreshed after the initial nap, provided of course that no one wakes me while I’m sleeping.

Gina was here on Saturday and I stayed awake for her visit.  Had my nap before she arrived so I didn’t need another one yet.  She and her youngest got to see it happen a couple years ago though, so Mike is the only one now who hasn’t seen me fall asleep on everyone,  I’m afraid to show him.  He might try it also.   He seems to try to copy all of my injuries.  Broke my left foot one night sliding off the sidewalk when I wanted a Milky Way candy bar immediately and had to go to WalMart to get one.  Ended up in the hospital getting a cast instead.  So a couple years later Mike slid off his front step and broke his left foot.  I really know he loves me without his trying to empathize by copying my injuries.

Let’s see if I can find more photos for you.  Probably of the dolls since I haven’t taken them of anything else lately.