Category Archives: Another Day Another Opportunity

Another Day, Another Opportunity


Opportunity to shop, that is.  I hitched a ride with another friend who wanted to go to Target and a couple of other shops in a totally different direction from Wednesday.  I needed some laundry detergent and white vinegar.  I had the detergent in my cart and was looking for the vinegar (which I really don’t think they had anywhere in the store) when she called me from across the store.  She wanted my opinion of some outfits she had found on the clearance rack.  I got a little bit distracted when I was looking at the items she was thinking about so naturally I had to check for a bargain also.  I finally found a beautiful sweater that will go with almost everything I already own had jumped into my cart and taken up residence there.  That seemed like a very good time to exit stage right for me so I headed to the checkout line and after that to a chair in Starbucks for a  little bit of rest and caffeine.

Outside, down the sidewalk to the next shop where they advertised another clearance sale and I found some jewelry that was marked $1.99 each.  I found a couple of necklaces that I fell in love with and that matched several things I have in the closet and wouldn’t you know it, they had also jumped into the cart when I was looking the other way.  I’m wearing one of them now.

Back to the car and heading for home I looked at my friend more closely and noticed we both had on the same top!  Funny I hadn’t noticed that before, but then we were both wearing jackets until that point and our tops had been hidden.  One of us should have noticed it when I looked at some emerald green (but not real emeralds) earrings then found several necklaces in the same shade of emerald.  Unfortunately none of them were on sale and I refuse to pay full price for anything.

Finally home again and collapsing in my chair, feet all tired and swollen propped up and ready to just chill for the rest of the month. And maybe even all of next month.  Plus a few days into March.  and now it;s 40 minutes until midnight and I’m wide awake,even though tired and ready for a long, long nap.  Actually, now that I think about it, I’m more ready for a dish of the ice cream I made after we got home.  So you enjoy the photos of the plants while I enjoy my ice cream, and oh yes, have a wonderful weekend.,