Category Archives: OH, NO!



But oh, yes.  Snow on top of ice that started during the night.  I woke during the night and heard the ice hitting my window and the chill started with the sound! Purely psychosomatic, but I’m still shivering more than twelve hours later.  The wind is picking up again and my internal temperature is dropping rapidly.  It’s not a good night to wander out of the apartment, and I might end up breaking my own rule and turning the heat up before much longer.  Chee!  the more I think about it all the colder I’m getting.  Funny how the brain works — and I only have half of one cell left!  More than that and I might wake up frozen solid in the morning!


My photos were taken from the floor to ceiling window at my end of the common hall while my neighbor and I were joking about the dirty windows.  I had to scrunch down and aim from the lower part to find an almost unobstructed area, and within a few minutes he was doing the same thing.  It just occurred to me that I could have taken a few other photos while we were there, but after we started talking and watching his little puppy, Angel trying to get down for an elevator ride I just forgot about the other photos.  And now I really do have to add more layers or a thick blanket because it is getting cold in here for real.  Take care, and stay warm.  As for me, I’m praying for a better view on Monday so I can get to the funeral.  Missing you, Sam.  I hope Mama Ree is finding some pleasure from the snow.  She loves it!