Tag Archives: food

Some Bemused Musings

Now I have to look up the word “bemused” again. Or I could change it to “amused” which I remember the meaning of. Oh gee, I just kinda remember what bemused means and it works, but at the same time most people would find my thoughts more amusing than not.

Like, okay, I wonder sometimes what my life would have been like if I had been one of my cousins instead of myself. So many of them seemed to be so much better off than I was, but then after talking with one of them a few years ago I discovered she had wanted to be me. On reflection, I realize I’m not so bad most of the time but then again, there are always “those” days we all dread.

Good heavens and heavens to mergatroid! It’s after 4 a.m. now. Seems like it was only a few minutes ago when I woke up from my usual hour of sleep. And “mergatroid” is a word I think I made up several years ago, but then again, I might have heard someone else say it and just think I made it up. I should check a dictionary but that requires a little bit of energy that I don’t have at the moment.

Reminds me of when my daughter was in third or forth grade and heard the associate pastor say that when you point a finger at someone else you have 3 fingers pointing back at yourself. She and her best friend spent about a week trying to figure out how to point at someone else without pointing back at themselves, finally turning their hands so that the three were pointing down at the devil, something they eagerly showed the associate pastor the next time they saw him. Try it. Instead of holding your hand the normal way while pointing, turn it to a palms down position and point. Three fingers point to the ground, or as they put it, at the devil.

There are times when everything is quiet here that my mind plays tricks on me. At least I HOPE it’s playing tricks. I think I’m hearing voices. Now don’t call the shrinks yet. I know I am hearing the place settling, not voices, but sometimes I admit I try to listen to what the non-voices are saying. So far no luck, but then there’s always tomorrow. Unless of course I am hit by a bus and tomorrow won’t come.

A word or more about peas. While i love them raw, just out of the pod, I truly hate them when they are cooked with the exception of the sugar snap variety when used in a good stir fry. I did have problems with that at times though. I would get the peas and have everything ready to make the stir fry of choice before realizing I had just eaten the last of the sugar snap peas. But I found a solution to that — just stir fry the ingredients individually and eat them as I cooked the next batch. I made moo goo gai pan several times but don’t have a clue as to how it tastes when all ingredients are added together because I would gobble down each batch as they came out of the wok. Not sure what to call that but gluttony comes to mind. Hopefully just intense hunger from waiting too long between meals and having to taste everything to make sure it is cooked properly. I always had that same problem when making dumplings.

Speaking of dumplings, did you know there are several ways — well, two at least, of making them other than opening a can. One way is to roll the dough out paper thin, cut them all and dump them in a pot of broth all at once. Stir to separate and cook until they don’t fight back, producing the doughy rubbery things that are usually served everywhere — except in my family. My grandmother taught me to make them her way, roll the dough out as above, but cut larger pieces and drop only a few at a time in the pot of boiling broth. Give them a few minutes to cook on one side, then gently turn each one and let cook on the other side. The result is a thick bread like dumpling that is favored by my family.

I always made the dumplings for my family after learning how because my mom didn’t really like them. Our treat was her childhood reality from the days of the Great Depression. I would almost get depressed while making them though. I had 4 brothers who always wanted to be the official taste testers. By the time we were ready to sit down at the table I was lucky if there were any at all left. So finally I became the official taste testers while my brothers hovered around me begging for just one bite. Okay, so I am a pushover. They were all allowed to taste one from each batch, one brother at a time taking turns until I had a huge bowl full for the meal. Now I’ve made myself hungry just thinking about it all and not a dumpling or sugar snap pea available.

Well, now we’ll see if I have any luck with photos tonight — oops, I mean this morning.

Well how ’bout that! I finally learned how to add photos! Most of them are quilts I’ve made, but there are also photos of my mom packaging 150 pounds of sausage (in case you ever wondered what that would look like), my grandmothers house in the country, some of the doll clothes I made, and a photo I took from my 16th floor window. Oh yeah, the bottom one is one of my tomato plants in that 16th floor apartment. Planted in a huge pot and growing out of control, but only a few tomatoes. Must have done something wrong there.

Back Again

So sorry about my absence. I’ve been down with a severe sinus infection for several weeks, not sure if I even wanted to live through it this time. I’m not suicidal, not at all, but after wearing the bright red nose brought on my constant blowing plus the feeling that my head was the size of a bushel basket, I was beginning to wonder why I fight these infections. Three times in my life I have been close to dying from the infections and continue to fight them. I joke about inventing a sandblaster that will work on sinuses but freely admit here that if such a thing ever comes about I doubt I would want to be the first one to try it. Not much left in the brain area but I think I want to keep what I still have.

On the homefrong, I’m still at the same place but with new hope shining in front of me. The place I have been trying to move into now has an empty room with my name on it! Just one small hitch at the moment. On Christmas morning they all woke to find water in most of the rooms from a water pipe that burst from the sub zero temperatures we were enduring at that time. So I’m biding my time here, helped by the knowledge that I will be moving soon. The floors and ceilings in the flood area have to be replaced, but that’s okay. my room and I await the great day.

I have been busy trying to breathe, but have also made a few changes in my way of living here. I buy my own food and heat it in the microwave in the dining room. I’ve tried to find out how much of my rent goes for food but they don’t have a breakdown to show me and are fussing about my deducting the amount I spend on buying my own supplies from the rent.. AND, since we all received a raise in our Social Security, the rent was raised accordingly. What that means for most people here is the food quality and amount have gone down. The only time I have been to the table since Thanksgiving 9last Thursday of November(, the full meal was a hot dog on a bun, six tater tots, and half a cup of baked beans. They call that a nutritious meal. No real vegetables, just children’s servings of childrens favorite foods. Snacks are usually sweet, breakfast is dry cereal with a pop tart or mini cinnamon roll. There are more than the normal number of overweight diabetics living here but they received the same food the few non-diabetics eat. I’ve heard ome of them wonder why their blood sugar is going up. Duh!

Kentucky statutes call for three nutritious meals and three nutritious snacks each day, but they don’t seem to know or care that the nutritional value of what they serve is nil. Accordint to the FDA, senior citizens need two and a half to three cups of fruit per day (we get four ounces of juice at breakfast), three to four cups of vegetables per day, (does six tater tots amount to a cup of veggies?) I forget how many ounces of protein (beans and hot dog?) but since most of the meat served here is so hard it is fossilized and can’t be eaten without danger of tooth loss. I have managed to avoid most of it by binging in my own food that includes fresh fruit ad canned or frozen veggies that I heat in the community microwave, located in the dining room.

I’ve been waiting until most people are in bed to eat mealsl. The reason for this is that everyone is hungry. Even waiting until midnight doesn’t mean I can heat my food and eat in peace though. it never fails to draw a crowd and I end up doling it out to all who show up, granted in small quantities that don’t fill any of us, but at least I can come back to my room and eat snacks and fruit to complete the meals. It just means I am running out of money very quickly. One of the night staff noticed all the hungry people and has contributed what she can, but administration has come very close to calling me a liar when I told them the food is not adequate or nourishing. One of the people at my table told me one night, after eating what I brought out that it felt wonderful to be able to go to bed with a full stomach for a change. I am wondering if I can move out of here and leave them behind, knowing the situation. I’ve spoken with our Ombudsman who attempted to set up a meeting with administration about the food situation but the meeting hasn’t taken place yet. I’ve spoken with the building owner who denied any problems here before launching into a description of his horse farm. ( have heard since then that he has a few ponies, Not sure how that turned into a horse farm, but…) He told me I can always move out to the street if I don’t like it here. This was before I got the word from the place I have been trying to get into for two years, so I can hang in for a few more weeks/hours/seconds.

Okay, enough complaining for the day. It’s cold here but other places have lower temps than we do. We just don’t have the same weather long enough to get accustomed to it so the constant changes from warm to frigid to a heat wave to monsoons to snow and/or ice keep us all unsettled. I’m eagerly awaiting spring, even if it means more rain, and then some wonderful Autumn weather. I avoided summer on purpose. Here in the Ohio Valley we have high humidity that is sometimes equal to the temperature so for me summer has never been a great season. There are days that are exceptional, humidity lower that normal and a dryer heat but those days are few and far between. (I once heard my brother-in-law, born and raised in Colorado, complaining about the high humidity they were having — 13%! He refuses to visit KY in the summer where our low is more in the area of 65 to 75%.)

These are three of the quilts I am/have made this year. They will go to some foster children in the area. My way of keeping sane!

Frustrating Day

Have you ever had one of THOSE!!! days?  The kind where you should have just stayed in bed all day and still accomplish more than you have during the entire day of being up and active?  That is just a fraction of the past 4 hours — NOT the entire day, but just the last 4 hours of my day.  I can’t get into my email, couldn’t remember the password to try to recover the access, couldn’t find the book where I keep my passwords just two minutes after putting it down — SOMEWHERE!!!  Managed to disable almost every method of recovery I had,  lots more that I don’t remember if I forgot it or not.

I wonder if this is all because my resident poltergeist is at work again.  It all started out as such a bad/good day that I can’t figure out how it all went bad so quickly.  For several hours I was unable to access my WP account, found a place to hit a button and it all came back.  Just can’t seem to find a button like that for the email.  Aaarrrrhgggghhhhhhhh!

I got my laugh in earlier in what is now yesterday when younger son called and I had to admit to him that I fell again several days ago but this time managed to just hit my head and the left shoulder that usually predicts the weather for me.  He is always telling me that if I just hit my head I’ll be okay since it’s the hardest part of my body.  Of course these last two falls have proven him right.  The trouble there is that he always tries to outdo me in everything, always doing things a little bit worse than I do.  Now I have to worry about him somehow breaking his leg, only worse than my own was.  He broke his foot a few years after I broke mine, only just a little bit worse.  Hmmm, this quarantine  is bad enough on it’s own without getting to see my kids one more time before either Mike or I manage to butt heads and have both of them split open on impact.  Like all else though, it could be even worse than it is now.  I don’t want to try to come up with ways that it could be worse at this time though.  Freaking myself out here without even trying.

Went to Kroger’s a few days ago and some shelves still are empty.  That in itself is freaky.  They are letting Senior Citizens in at 7 a.m. though.  We get the first hour of the workday.  Now how many times have you seen a S.C. finish anything at all in only one hour?  It takes me an hour to get both eyes open and then another one to get them to work together!  Shop for a months groceries when most of what I want is not in stock requires more than an hour, sometimes several hours when I have driven around the store so many times looking for an item and then forgotten just what I’m looking for — usually while staring right at it,  It’s almost like all the times I’ve held the refrigerator door open looking for something I can only hope will appear in there by magic, knowing all the time that I don’t have in but still having a childlike hope that it has jumped in there just to satisfy a craving I didn’t even know i had until deciding to look for it.  Hey, I know what I just said —- do you?

I think I’ll just follow thru with my first inclination of just getting back in bed and hoping I can stay there all day!

321 Quote Me

Many thanks to Rory for nominating me for the  321 quote challenge. I can only hope I’m doing this correctly.

Here’s the link:   3.2.1. Quote Me


The rules are simple:

Thank the selector   DONE

Post 2 quotes for the dedicated Topic of the Day

Select 3 bloggers to take part in 3.2.1.Quote Me!

Today’s topic is FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD

So, here we go!

c2fbb460ed7745a8ace7dce165bd6054 Image found on Pinterest.!

Since we all know that chocolate is a vegetable, this one seems appropriate.

Images from Pinterest.

Again, if I eat anything myself, a donut would be my choice, but it has to be accompanied by a cherry Coke!  This one fits me because I frequently choke on food — ah, the joys of MS.


Reunions, Heat Wave and Fun


This year is almost half over — Sunday being the halfway mark, and I’m just beginning to fully realize we are already in 2018!  Time just seems to move so quickly lately and I’m wondering if that is because I’m getting (?) old — the question mark is because some days I feel like I’m still in my twenties, and then there’s today!  Today, with our heat index above 100 F., storms in the forecast for the next few days and my bones letting me know with an almost noisy statement that I must be over 100!  The only thing about that is that I know a lady who is 106 and she gets around better than I do and looks 20 years younger than I am today.  She is my hero!  But I try to ignore days like this and remember the other days when the weather is better and I don’t have the “forecaster” joints, some of which I didn’t even know I had, letting me know there’s stormy weather on the way.

Next weekend, July 7 to be exact, about 140 to 150 members of my family will meet at one of our favorite parks for a family reunion, the first in almost 18 years.  We are all looking forward to the reunion, family members are coming from all over the country and we already know we will need name tags to identify each other according to family.  My cousins as well as siblings, come in age groups from the Senior group — my group, to the ones who were born so many years later they are younger than my children.  We keep in loose contact on Facebook, but if I had to point some of them out it could prove very embarrassing for me.  It’s not that my razor sharp mind (lol) is slipping, it’s just that I’ve never met some of them!  

I’ve heard there are 50+ of my first cousins still living out of the huge group of us, and most of them will be attending– I hope!  Kudos to my cousins, Patty, Mark, Janet, Diane and several others who have done the planning for this affair, and sorry I couldn’t mention every one of them, but they have done a wonderful job working to make this happen for all of us.  On the menu is the best barbecue chicken in the world, using the family recipe for the sauce, and all kinds of sides.  I’m not sure about all the menu because the chicken is the star of the party!

Last week one of my brothers took me riding around and one of our stops was the park where the reunion will be.  I said something about wanting to take a photo of the old wagon at the entrance of the park so on our way out he stopped the car and took these photos for me.  Many thanks, bro!  We all grew up in that area and it was almost like going home to visit the area again.  It is one of my favorite places in the area with trails that lead off in every direction around Panther Creek, each trail with its own special memory for me.  I often took Max for walks out there and we explored every one of the trails, with Max continuing to pull at his lead until we were so far out that I think he knew I would have to pick him up and carry him back, at which point he would sit and refuse to budge.  I knew his tactics though, so I had scoped out every rest area on each trail and always made sure to stop at each one so I would not be too tired to stand and wait him out.  I sure miss that little mutt!

This was Max’s favorite place.