Tital Number ?

That’s how I sometimes respond to the “Add Title” beginning. Really, do they think I don’t know to give things a title? Okay, so maybe I forget occasionally, but I usually find out before I publish.

There are admittedly times when I am writing a poem and the words are flying off the end of my pen while I’m struggling to think of a title. And I might have a few that still don’t have titles yet, but since I’m the only one who sees them, who cares? Eventually I’ll redo it and add a title, or rip it up and put in File 13 where it doesn’t need a title, but again, who cares? I seldom show anyone most of the poetry now.

So, yesterday I visited my doctor again. First time in a year because I was not happy with him. This time though, I turned the tables. I not only took a nurse with me but had a long list of problems to show him. Since most of them deal with MS issues and he deals with Geriatrics, he skipped a few, and added a fist full of new meds to my short list, elimanating only 2 of the previous ones. Not sure how that will work out, but at least if I fall here there will be someone coming along eventually to help me back up. Sigh! I can remember being able to cross my feet and lower myself down without needing help. Now it would take a Platoon of Marines to get me back up — or two of the nurses and/or aides here. Not to say the Marines wouldn’t be nice to have around once in a while, but I would hate to have to call out them out just to help me up. If one or two of them wanted to stay and visit for a while —— okay self, cut out the dreaming!

So hard to believe Sunday is already Easter! I can remember back when that meant a new hat, usually with a wide brim, new patent leather shoes — Mary Jane style, and never forget the matching purse and the white gloves. You just didn’t show up in church without those. This Sunday I’ll wear my recycled pink outfit, all made a couple of years ago and finally able to stuff myself into again. Having lost a couple of inches I won’t even have to lie down to get the pants zipped, and fortunately the jacket was a bit large anyway, so it will hide any bulges that can still appear.

Why do we pay so much attention to what people are wearing to church on Easter? And why has that pink outfit hung in my closet all winter when I could have been wearing it all along? At least there’s no more rules about wearing white shoes after September or before May. Or was it after August? No month with an “r” in it now that I think about it. Hopefully that is one outdated rule. I’ve been wearing winter white boots year round lately because they feel good.

I have been thinking about all the abuse my feet got when I was young. Strappy high heels were the fashion and I do mean HIGH! Like 5 inch heels. Now I’m paying the piper for all those times. And so thankful my daughter never tried to follow in my high heels. Always sensible shoes for her! I should have been so smart.

I think I’ve mentioned a time or ten that I collect “sayin’s” as I call them, quotations that strike my fancy. I’m gonna add a few of my favorites tonight, just because I’ve run out of words and ideas. And what a sad situation that is!

“I’m an odd combination of “really sweet” and “DONT MESS WITH ME!” Author unknown

Some Snoopy humor here: “I’m multitasking. I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.” Woodstock, found on Pinterest

“Be yourself! No one can say you are doing it wrong”! Author unknown and Very true!

“I can’t believe how old people my age are”.

“Does running late count as exercise?:

“All my passwords are amnesia protected!”

“Brains are awesome. I wish everybody had one!” (especially one running for office or jailbird)

And finally a Life Tip: “When nothing goes right, GO TO BED!” Sounds like a good idea. I think it’s a Charlie Brown quote, but don’t quote me on that.

6 thoughts on “Tital Number ?”

  1. I’m glad the Doc finally listened to at least most of your issues … was it because the nurse went with you? I hope the changes in meds will help, my friend. Dream on about the Marines … a little bit of dreaming never hurt anybody! I love the ‘sayings’ … especially “I can’t believe how old people my age are” and “Brains are awesome. I wish everybody had one!” Love ‘n hugs, dear Angie!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Jill. I think having the nurse along helped keep the doc focused on listening. Writing it all down helped as well, although after the first 4 items he said that was all he could handle for one visit. Four new prescriptions are all that I can handle as well, but there’s still the little problem of getting those transferred to the online pharmacy. I told him twice to use that one, but he was already in the process of getting the heck out of Dodge by then. It seems I have 2 more visits scheduled though — one I knew about and another I didn’t know. He also failed to tell me I was supposed to go to the lab yesterday morning, so it was a surprise when I checked in to MY Chart to find that one. He gave me something for sleep that worked the first night but last night was another one of waking after a few minutes sleep. I probably have sleep apnea, but the one time they tried to test me I couldn’t sleep at all so that was a bust. Just knowing someone was watching kept me wide awake that entire night!

      So now I have to decide whether to keep the appointment in April or not since they didn’t tell me about it. Also having to deal with transferring the prescriptions over to the insurance online pharmacy, and they aren’t making it easy. Ah for a few of the good things about the good old days.

      The brain quote is one of my favorites as well. I have 3 notebooks full of favorites now and am in the process of turning some of them into samplers for embroidering in the future. Might have to live another 50 years to do it all so maybe just make them and not finish them. Hugs, my friend. Take care of yourself.


  2. Haha! I hardly ever title my poems. There is no requirement to do so and so I don’t. I have them filed by date that I wrote/published them. I’d love to read your poems!! And as for the doctor, I hope he listened this time and he actually is helping and not making things worse!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Muri. I just might dig some of the poems out of the notebooks they live in and publish them, but don’t hold your breath. As for putting a title on each post, there are times when I just feel like writing, not trying to find a title that lets anyone know what I’m talking about. Half the time I don’t know what I’m talking about myself, just a lot of meaningless rambles that eventually turn into a post. Or a lot that never see the light of day. I’m getting sick of the political scene again, not that I was ever happy with it. Oh well, que sera, sera!


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