Quotes and Things

As I might have mentioned a time or 50. I love quotes! I find them and write them down in notebooks and occasionally can actually read what I’ve written. Once upon a time, a million or so years ago, I had penmanship classes, beginning in the first grade and continuing until high school. All these years later I would qualify as an M.D. if my chicken scratches would be the only thing I had to show for the degree.

But, I digress. This morning I found some Limericks on the Inspired Quotes email that struck a blow on my funny bone. And if you’ve ever hit your funny bone you know there is nothing funny about it! So maybe these should be classified as “groaners”, because after reading them I was holding my stomach and groaning!

There was an old man of Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
But his daughter, named Nan
Ran off with a man,
And as for the bucket, Nantucket!

See what I mean? Of course I’ll have to make sure my youngest brother and youngest son see that one. They both have a strange sense of humor, unlike mine, which is, well, really strange.

Wanna see another one? Here goes anyway.

A canner, exceedingly canny
One morning remarked to his granny
"A canner can can
Anything that he can
But a canner can't can a can, can he?"

Carolyn Wells

I know there are some math geniuses out there, so here’s one for you. I haven’t tried to figure it out yet, since it’s early and I don’t want to get a headache until later in the day, but this one is for you.

A dozen, a gross and a score
Plus three times the square root of four
Divided by seven
Plus fice times eleven
Is nine squared and not a bit more

Leigh Mercer

Okay, breakfast is on the way and I need sustenance after the last one. Back in a few, and hope to find out if the answer provided is correct. A few things I think I remember are a dozen of course is 12, a gross I think is 144?, and a score is 20. 5 times 11 is easy, 55, and 9 squared would be 81 I think. Oh geez, I’m 9 times squared myself! Hmmm, maybe I can check it out at that! Okay, my headache is beginning. I tried but the answer I got was 87. At least I’m NOT 87 yet.

11 thoughts on “Quotes and Things”

    1. Thanks Sue. If that last equation had worked out I would be okay but after breaking my own rule about never looking at a number early in the day I guess I deserve the headache. Going to do some applique work now and get over it — I hope. Hugs!!!!

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    1. So what answer did you get? I used my calculator too, 3 times and always got 87, but isn’t 9 squared 81? Admittedly I flunked math, but some things I think maybe I remember, but then I don’t always know if I remember it or not. And that last line is from my brother! who doesn’t remember ever saying it.

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      1. Okay … “a dozen, a gross and a score”, that’s 12+144+20=176. Plus three times the square root of 4. The square root of 4=2, and 2×3=6. So, 176+6=182. 182/7=26. Five times eleven=55. So, 26+55=81!!! And 81 is 9 squared! Ta da!!!


      2. Thank you. Now I know where I messed up. I squared the 4 making it 16 and did 3 times that. Even logic didn’t save me this time, but ya do what ya can to stand out in a large family of math geniuses. I’m the crafty one while the others are all alike, able to do math without headaches. Of course my youngest sister has to outdo all of us so she does every kind of craft that I know of, including basket weaving and stained glass items. I mostly stick to the needle for things, but have made jewelry. Oh gee,, now I want to go back to Colorado and open that craft store we all dreamed of.


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